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Surya namaskar course will begin with a few rounds and gradually step up to attempt 54 rounds, where we try to complete one mala, that is, 108 times. Work up some sweat, get your heart pumping, breathe a little harder, get some great exercise.

Along with the practice, learn the theory behind this wonderful science, some corrections, and improvements, and benefits of each of the 12 postures, and the 12 names of The Sun God (Surya Mantras).

The Sun is supposed to be the deity for health and long life. Surya Namaskar is a combined process of yoga Asanas and Pranayama

Raising the heat in the body (Ushnam), and sweating to get rid of toxins (Kriya), is an age old method of raising the body’s immunity and fortifying it against unwanted attacks.

In addition to this, an appropriate cardio vascular and aerobic conditioning is important to keep the heart and lungs healthy and resilient. During Surya Namaskar, the heart pumps harder, increasing its strength, stamina and vitality. The lungs also work harder, and become stronger and more efficient. The blood circulation helps with improved body function, including the nerves, muscles, digestion and the endocrine system. 


Tamas (inertia and heaviness) is removed and the body and mind experience Sattva (a state of purity, balance and steadiness).

Please call for  fee and other details.  

Preeti (+91) 9818990014; Renu 9878445850

Devi puja, one of the many vedic and yogic rituals to elevate the human spirit

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Sivananda Yoga Centre, Gurgaon (SYCG) is a RYS 200 and a RYS 300 Registered Yoga School with Yoga Alliance®, USA. (

The International Yoga Teacher Training Courses conducted by Sivananda Yoga Centre, Gurgaon qualifies candidates to apply to the Yoga Alliance, USA for a RYT 200 hours and a RYT 500 hours status respectively.

Sivananda Yoga Centre, Gurgaon conducts its yoga classes, retreats and teacher training courses independently,

and is not affiliated to any yoga organization, in India or anywhere in the world.

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