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Namaste, and Swagatam.

Sivananda Yoga Centre, Gurgaon was set up on 1 April 2004 by Yogacharyas Arun Pandala and Deeksha Jain Prasad. The Centre's main purpose is to spread the teaching and practice of an authentic and ancient system of yoga, thereby promoting health, well being, a stress-free lifestyle and a more balanced and visionary individual.

We are currently offering ONLINE and OFFLINE yoga classes, YOGA RETREATS, TEACHER TRAINING COURSES.

Read more about us, and our history here.

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The yoga retreat, while being a wonderful holiday, offers a profound personal experience, builds a firm foundation of inner discipline. The essence of yoga is learned through a combination of repeated practice and inspirational lessons. The approach to teaching is personal, focusing on the individual student.


21 - 28 December

Sarsoli Dham, Kudal, Maharashtra (near Goa), India

(one week)

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A yoga course like none other - great company, deep learning, excellent asana, pranayama, kriyas, meditation practices. World class teachers, a memorable location, an unforgettable culinary experience, and a life transforming journey of one month. 

11 January - 29 March 2025

Gurgaon + one week in Palampur, Dharamsala

(non-residential course)

20 April - 17 May 2025

Palampur, Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, India

(one month residential course)

Yoga Alliance certified 200 HOURS course


Freedom from disease and a journey to a life free from medicines -  a life of normal health, also called good health. Many of us carrying medical conditions, chronic pain and sickness for many days, weeks, months, years...
In the seminar we understand the cause and a permanent solution. With the yogic protocols to adopt, to get to good health. Protocols which anyone can start adopting, to start experiencing a relief from the current symptoms.

24 November, Sunday

10.00 am - 3.00 pm IST



Some simple change of habits, a balanced, nutritious diet and a regular practice of yoga and pranayama. All of this under guidance.

And just for two weeks! Get into the weight loss routine, right there, where you are. Join a growing community of weight-watchers, and do this with everyone else.


18 - 29 November
Monday to Friday

6.30 - 8.00 am IST



Increase your strength, stamina, flexibility, endurance with this eight class course under the supervision of a senior teacher. Go beyond the daily asana practice. Dive deep into personal holistic practice.


2 - 18 December
Monday, Wednesday, Friday

6.00 - 8.00 pm IST



Introduction to the sacred dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna, the Bhagavad Gita has been cherished by many for its spiritual guidance. The course will guide you on how to discover our true self and embody it in our life.



7 - 29 December
Saturday & Sunday

4.00 - 5.15 pm IST



Continue your transformational journey. Venture into something deeper, more challenging. Four hours of asana classes, one hour of pranayama, in-depth understanding of anatomy and physiology. Meditation, Satsang, silent walks, satvic food; a gentle but powerful detox of the mind and body, as you have already experienced.
At a whole new level!

31 August - 27 September 2025

Palampur, Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh, India

(one month residential course)

Yoga Alliance certified 300 HOURS course

prerequisite: 200 HOURS Yoga Alliance TTC

Bridge, Sethubandhasana, a wonderful pose for the lower back, pelvis, abdominal organs and reproductive system


There is so much of yoga everywhere, but a step by step, methodical systematic understanding of yoga is rare.
The Sivananda programme is an authentic tradition going back over 70 years around the world.

Take a FREE trial class and experience this magic for yourself. 

After the trial class you will be guided on the next steps and how to proceed on your yoga journey step by step. 


Nataraj asana, pose of the dancing Shiva,one of many poses that help with balance, concentration, strength, determination and steadiness


Regular yoga classes for overall wellness and peace of mind.

Enjoy a good workout, increase your immunity, prevent pain and illness, get peace of mind.
The classes include proper breathing (pranayama), proper exercise (surya namaskar and asanas), proper relaxation (savasana), positive thinking and meditation.



M 13/23 DLF PHASE 2


1545 B, SECTOR 57



Trikonasana, the Triangle, a lateral stretch for the spine

Live on ZOOM

This is a regular Sivananda one hour class, which you can practice under supervision, from the safety of your home.

The ONLINE platform allows the teacher to see and correct you, and help you to improve your practice.

There is a two way communication possible, so that any discussion that is needed can happen just before, during, or even at the end of a class.

Currently, we have four batches a week.
You can participate in any class.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

 7.00 - 8.00 am 

5.00 - 6.00 pm

Tuesday, Thursday
8.00 - 9.00 am

7.00 - 8.00 pm

Saturday, Sunday

 8.00 - 9.30 am

5.00 - 6.30 pm (2 November onwards)


Beginner's courses are announced often. Here Arun adjusts Deeksha deeper into Ardha Matsyendrasana, the Half Spinal Twist

The Sivananda Beginners course is a lovely way to enter into the magical world of yoga. It is a step-by-step introduction to Kapalabhati, Anuloma Viloma, Surya Namaskar, and the 12 asanas. We explain the benefits of each practice thoroughly. We explain the 5 points of yoga. Each posture and practice is explained in such a way that you understand the right and wrong way of doing it.


6 - 13 November (online) 

(no class on weekend) 7.00 - 8.30 am IST

5, 7, 12, 14 November (South City 1)
Tuesday & Thursday 7.00 - 8.30 pm


9, 10, 16, 17 November (Sector 57)
Saturday & Sunday 5.30 - 7.00 pm

12, 14, 19, 21 November (Dlf phase 2)

Tuesday & Thursday 7.00 - 8.30 pm

Pre-natal yoga, or Yoga during pregnancy

Deep breathing exercises, stretching and relaxation gives an all-round workout to the body and mind, helping not only in a healthy pregnancy, but also a safe delivery. The yoga treated new born acquires yogic samskaras of peacefulness, cooperation, cheerfulness, good health and energy.

ONLINE - 3 classes a week
Tuesday and Thursday

6.30 - 8.00 pm IST
Sunday : 10.00 - 11.30 am IST

ON-SITE - 2 classes a week
Saturday : 10.00 - 11.30 am IST

Wednesday : 5.30 - 6.30 pm IST


Arun in a Meditative pose. Dhyana, the goal of all yogic practices

Arun has been teaching yoga since 1995. He is one of the seniormost teachers in India in the Sivananda legacy. Having had an unbroken record with yoga, he now spends a lot of his time, energy and experience in helping people to recover from chronic ailments as well teaching people how to remain healthy and disease free for life.

You may be facing a chronic issue, for many weeks, months or years – pain, medical therapy, treatments that have not worked. You have a disorder like Blood pressure, Diabetes, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, lower back ache, cervical spondylitis, bad digestion, IBS, Lupus, POCS, hormonal imbalance, Auto Immune disorder, infertility, Psoriasis, insomnia, Dementia, Heart disease, obesity – anything – you name it and put it here.
Arun will provide guidance on how yoga can help.


Anjaneyasana. Learn this and many other postures through our 200 free videos on YouTube

We have a large collection on YouTube for you.

Since the lockdown started in India in March 2020, we have built a large bank of useful classes. There are instructional videos, daily open classes, advanced classes, special classes, and even talks. You can access them through the playlists.

You can also contribute if you like to our efforts of bring you these classes live every day. It will help in meeting some of the expenses, and also support those who work for the centres selflessly.

Bhjuangasana, the Cobra

We have uploaded a few instructional videos on our YouTube channel. These are about Surya Namaskar, Kapalabhati, Anuloma Viloma, Headstand, and the Shoulderstand cycle. More are being uploaded in the coming days.

These videos are meant to help you practice the Sivananda class in a better way, with more understanding, and with an attention to doing things correctly.

Advanced Asana Practice - the lying down spinal twist

We put together a nine class Advanced Asana and Pranayama classes in the Sivananda style, for supporting and advancing the practice of those of you who are yoga teachers, or senior adepts. The series is meant for those who have good knowledge and experience in the practice of asanas, are physically and mentally agile and fit, and who want to challenge themselves.

The series is NOT meant for beginners to yoga

(Tax exemption under 80G available as per Income Tax Act 1961)

Contact Us

M13/23, DLF phase 2, Gurgaon, Haryana, 122001
email -

(Please call between 8 am and 8 pm India time only)
Renu + 91 9878445850; Preeti + 91 9818990014; Anita + 91 9811155549

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